Wood is a renewable energy source. When a piece gets old, it is not necessary to discard the entire product, rather a new wood can be used in place of the old one.
A complete supply chain of wood making and renewing wood is often at work to make sure adequate and good quality is delivered regularly.
When it comes to providing raw materials for the building of different equipment with wood, there is quite a long and rich history associated with it.
The wood supplied for reproduction is first harvested and this system of harvesting is called silviculture.
Let’s take a deeper look into what is silviculture and why it is beneficial for us.

Humans have been using wood since the dawn of time. It won’t be crazy to think that this was the first material that we used to build and make products.
As the population increased, we shifted to other material sources as well. But, the importance and benefits of wood as a material can not be denied.
To cater for the ever-growing population and its needs for equipment and supplies, the supply and demand of wood needed to be met.
The harvesting and cultivation of trees to provide many of the things that we use today started as an art which later turned into a necessity.
To keep a check and balance the amount of wood being produced, it became a requirement to have a complete study regarding this.
Silviculture is just that and more. Silviculture is the science of making sure the amount of harvesting and cultivating done is enough to meet the requirements of the people and society.
Silviculture ensures that sustainable development is kept in check. Some of these goals include having a good understanding of the water resources available and utilizing them properly, a need for the proper production of timber and the preservation of wildlife species.
Silviculture is a complex science that requires backhand knowledge of several different things including ecology, botany, soil preservation, crop sciences, and more. Silviculture is one of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to the production and sustainable development of timber. Let’s look at some of the benefits that silviculture provides.

Having a check and balance on the resources available is always a good thing. When it comes to wood, the possibilities of production are endless. This is why the need to have a proper channel of harvesting and cultivation is a must with wood.
Silviculture provides numerous benefits that can help in the betterment of the ecosystem and ultimately provide benefits to society.
Some of these benefits are listed below.
- Source of abundant raw material:
With the help of silviculture, a great many things can be achieved. Silviculture is a source of abundant raw materials for industries that require wood such as the paper industry or manufacturing industries.
Silviculture helps create a dependence on wood and timber for the production of different materials in the industry.
For instance, silviculture can help benefit the industries that rely on wood for the production and repairing of their products.
- Increase forest coverage:
Climate change has created a lot of damage to the environment. When it comes to forests, the impact of climate change can be observed quite clearly.
An adequate amount of forest coverage is necessary not only to keep our ecosystem in check but to create a haven for the wildlife as well.
With the help of silviculture, forest coverage is increased. This coverage is beneficial to improving the ecosystem and keeping wildlife safe and secure.