Many people might not realize it, but woodworking and sustainability go hand in hand.
If you want to build something and want it to be sustainable and good for the environment, you need to think hard about the material you will choose. The building materials contribute a good amount to promoting and increasing sustainability.
One material that can ensure sustainability is wood. Wood is one of the best materials that you can work with if you want something that is long-lasting and will also benefit the environment.
If you are wondering how woodworking promotes sustainability? This is the right to get all your answers.

1. Wood is renewable:
Probably the best thing about wood is that it is renewable. If you are planning on building a house and have to choose between wood and steel, which one would you go for?
If you want to build your house based on sustainability then wood should be the obvious answer. Wood has a lighter carbon footprint in comparison to steel and it can be renewed and reused in different ways. The carbon footprint of wood is 75% less than that of steel, which should make it the best choice for your house.

2. Wood is reusable:
Imagine you bought a table made out of glass and one made out of wood. Which one do you think you will be able to reuse if they were to break?
The right answer is wood. One of the reasons why wood is such an amazing material to have in your house is because it can be reused.
The best part is, that wood won’t break as easily as glass either. But, even if it were to break, with a little bit of creativity, you can make something new and even improve the design with the pieces.

3. Wood is good for the air:
Wood can perform better than both concrete and steel for the air. With the help of wood, around 21 million tons of CO2 can be removed from the environment. This is why wood is a great material to reduce air pollution. Wood can increase good air conditioning around the area making it a great way of getting fresh air.
Not only does wood benefit the ecosystem, but it will also bring about a positive change in the interior of your house. Wood helps you breathe better and creates fresher air around you.

4. Wood is a safe material:
Many people might argue against this but wood is a safe material. You might think that wood is more likely to catch fire and thus it is more prone to damage, and that is true.
But the wood used in making buildings is usually timber or cross-laminated timber. The benefit of using cross-laminated timber is that it works like concrete. It is strong, durable and long-lasting wood which makes it one of the best materials available for buildings.
Another great quality of timber is that it is light. Meaning if you are planning on increasing the number of stories in your building, using timber will be quite a beneficial alternative.

5. Wood can store carbon:
We all know the damage that excessive carbon emissions have caused to the environment.
If this is something that worries you then you can play your role in the fight against carbon emission by choosing wood as the sustainable product for your house.
Wood can store carbon and thus it can cut down excess carbon from the environment.
Another benefit of wood is that it requires less energy as compared to other building materials. Maintenance, building, storing and more, all of these require less energy when you are dealing with wood.